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Snake Vs Elephant

Buhari's victory means that the people of Nigeria did indeed want a change of government; a change from PDP! At the risk of sounding like a parrot, I must say, as I did in my past commentaries, that my interest in, and support to President Buhari is on the war against corruption. I don't even discuss any other issue, or any faults that may be attributed to Mr. President. I have always stated my reasons-Mr. Corruption is the bane of Nigeria, and I believe that Mr. President has the resolve and the character to fight Mr. Corruption! It is happening already; the change is here indeed! Buhari Fever is on, and the hitherto untouchables in Nigeria are definitely catching the cold!! Heads are rolling in the highest places!!! And, of course, Buharri Fever is also making all the agencies and institutions to sit up and try to do the right thing. A good example is very clear to see that as soon as Buhari became president, the hitherto epileptic electricity supply to the citizenry suddenly improved appreciably without any increase in electricity generation. Why? Buhari Fever; that's why! Efficiency amongst electricity workers quickly jumped up, with the workers realizing that hitherto prevalent laxity, acts of corruption and sabotage under Buhari attract swift penalty. Also, some of Nigeria's stolen funds suddenly developed legs and walked back into the treasury as soon as Buhari was announced the winner of the 2015 election, even before he climbed the seat. Why? Because the accused persons who had successfully, arrogantly challenged the accusations in Jonathan's government, caught the Buhari Fever; that's why! Also, judges are now cautious about granting frivolous court injunctions that hitherto stalled the trial of big corrupt politicians and leaders. Why? Buhari Fever, that's why! Many alleged looters abused this legal mumbo jumbo loophole called injunction in President Jonathan's government. They did not bother to try defend the allegations in court; they simply bought themselves some court injunctions to evade trial. Not any longer; not with Buhari Fever in the air. Hitherto untouchable citizens are facing trial for alleged looting-all the way to the so-called number three citizen-just as the rest of Nigerians would if accused of stealing a mere goat. I only pray that the fever


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